
Happy New Year from James

I hope that you were able to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing Christmas with your loved ones recently, and are looking forward to the New Year celebrations as we leave behind an eventful 2022 and look forward to 2023.  

Merry Christmas from James

Another year is drawing to a close and I’m sure for many of us the preparations for the Christmas holiday season are in full flow, with presents to wrap, cards to write, trees to decorate and loved ones to see.  

Remembering our fallen heroes...

As November rolls round and the days get shorter and colder, the appearances of poppies are a sign that Remembrance Sunday is around the corner, and an important opportunity for us all to reflect on those that gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today.  

HM Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

For seventy years Her Majesty the Queen reigned over our country and the Commonwealth, with a steadfast duty to public service that has won over the hearts of many. 

Keeping our children fit and active

As the summer ends and a new academic year begins, we can look back with pride at the spectacle our region put on for the Commonwealth Games, as well as the achievements of our Lioness in winning Euro 2022.